Seated Woman (as Lady Ephesus)

Seated Woman (as Lady Ephesus)

acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”

Series: the mother goddess as a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation and destruction. Mythological female figures Durga (Parvati) and Artemis (as Lady Ephesus) are interpreted here through both animistic and pantheistic beliefs.

Shamans Market

Shamans Market

acrylic on canvas 9” x14” Series: the mother goddess as a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation and destruction. Mythological female figures Durga (Parvati) and Artemis (as Lady Ephesus) are interpreted here through both animistic and pantheistic beliefs.



acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”

Shakti Series: The term shakti refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because shakti is responsible for creation, as mothers are responsible for birth.

 acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”  Shakti series: The term shakti refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because s

acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”
Shakti series: The term shakti refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because shakti is responsible for creation, as mothers are responsible for birth.



Acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”

Shakti Series: the mother goddess as a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation and destruction. Mythological female figures Durga (Parvati) and Artemis (as Lady Ephesus) are interpreted here through both animistic and pantheistic beliefs.

sad gurlz

sad gurlz

gouache, glazed ceramic and plaster on canvas

12” x 12”

something of a thing

something of a thing

plaster, glazed ceramic and gouache on canvas

scorpion fling

scorpion fling

plaster glazed, ceramic, goauche

Seated Woman (as Lady Ephesus)

acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”

Series: the mother goddess as a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation and destruction. Mythological female figures Durga (Parvati) and Artemis (as Lady Ephesus) are interpreted here through both animistic and pantheistic beliefs.

Shamans Market

acrylic on canvas 9” x14” Series: the mother goddess as a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation and destruction. Mythological female figures Durga (Parvati) and Artemis (as Lady Ephesus) are interpreted here through both animistic and pantheistic beliefs.


acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”

Shakti Series: The term shakti refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because shakti is responsible for creation, as mothers are responsible for birth.

acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”
Shakti series: The term shakti refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because shakti is responsible for creation, as mothers are responsible for birth.


Acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”

Shakti Series: the mother goddess as a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation and destruction. Mythological female figures Durga (Parvati) and Artemis (as Lady Ephesus) are interpreted here through both animistic and pantheistic beliefs.

sad gurlz

gouache, glazed ceramic and plaster on canvas

12” x 12”

something of a thing

plaster, glazed ceramic and gouache on canvas

scorpion fling

plaster glazed, ceramic, goauche

Seated Woman (as Lady Ephesus)
Shamans Market
 acrylic on canvas 9” x 14”  Shakti series: The term shakti refers to multiple ideas. Its general definition is dynamic energy that is responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. It is identified as female energy because s
sad gurlz
something of a thing
scorpion fling